But What To Wear? Wardrobe Tips For Your October Boston Photo Session

by | Sep 18, 2019 | children, Fall Photo Session, family, latest sessions, Photo Tips, Tips and Tricks


How gorgeous is this photo?

And, no, I’m not saying that to toot my own horn! I’m reacting to the facets of this image that are hopefully speaking to you, too. The joy on the children’s faces, their genuine smiles, their loving bond (evidenced in their holding hands), and the gorgeous scenery that we’re lucky to experience every October in the Boston area.

But it’s actually more than that, and anyone who has been disappointed in a family photo probably (now) knows the most crucial element in capturing the perfect moment: color. And more importantly, colors that coordinate – with each other and the photo setting itself.

See below for more examples of what I mean, then read on for some of my personal tips on How to Dress for Your October Boston Photo Session.



How to Dress for Your October Boston Photo Session

While the essence of an amazing photo is rooted in the expressions and connections of each family member and their interactions, it’s also nice to look great. Here are some tips on how to make that happen:

The most important thing is to be comfortable in what you are wearing. You don’t have to dress fancy to look fantastic. Nothing ruins well, anything, more than an uncomfortable pair of shoes or an itchy sweater. Go casual if you’d like, but feel free to put your boys in jackets to spruce up the look. Don’t worry, they’ll likely still act like boys (see these guys flossing during their session!).


OK, Here are some real tips:

  • Think about your photo in terms of colors and contrasts. The location is going to offer both. For an October Boston Photo Session, you’re going to see green, orange, reds and yellows in the landscape. In my experience, the clothing colors that work well in Fall foliage include navy, maroon, cream, brown, pink/fuschia, and red. Choose 2-3 complimentary colors maximum and have everyone wear something in that color scheme.


  • Patterns can be wonderful, but consider them for one member of the family vs. everyone. It’s nice to have one person stand out. One of my clients always put her young daughter in floral dresses for our photo sessions, as it was a great way to add beauty to the image while also getting her child out of her typical play clothes. Alas, this year I photographed the family and her daughter is now 14 (!). She finally put her foot down: No more floral dresses. Moms, get them while you can!


  • If you celebrate Christmas and send out a Christmas card, red plaids work really well in October and look festive when them season changes to winter.





  • An October Boston Photo Session can be chilly, so think ahead about ways to incorporate layers and textures into your outfits. Bring accessories, like hats and scarves, if you’d like. If the items blend and fit nicely, they can bring a lot of personality to your images.


  • Definitely consider how quickly the leaves evolve during the Fall season. Late October/early November is usually the best time to schedule a Boston October Photo Session if you really want bright Fall colors.


  • But never fear, if you miss the Fall foliage, evergreen photos are also really beautiful. Check out this adorable guy and the family below.



Cara Soulia is a family photographer who offers an October Boston Photo Session for families of all ages.

See more of Cara’s work on the blog or get in touch to find out more about scheduling a session this Fall. Limited dates still available.