Welcome, Beautiful Shae!

Welcome, Beautiful Shae!

This is the time of year when I pinch myself almost every day. As a Wellesley Newborn Photographer, I can’t believe how lucky I am to meet so many families when they’re experiencing one of life’s greatest joys: Welcoming a new baby. Wellesley Newborn...
…And Chase Makes Three (Boys!)

…And Chase Makes Three (Boys!)

I know. You want to see the adorable newborn, don’t you? You want the image of the sweet, new, eyes-still-closed baby that is so amazing that you can smell him, right? It’s coming. But first: The big brothers. The brothers steal the show. What a great time...
Welcome, Dear Alma

Welcome, Dear Alma

I had the pleasure of meeting Alma, just four weeks old, back in October. Her parents were still glassy-eyed in love with their first child, a feeling that never goes away, right? Read on to hear about why there is no “must-do” pressure when it comes to...